[There was a video here]

Tina Turner is ripening into an excellent eccentric old lady.

While you were watching the VMAs, Oprah Winfrey was hosting a gently batshit-insane interview with her good friend and idol, Tina Turner, on Oprah's Next Chapter. The news peg of the chat was Turner's July marriage to music executive Erwin Bach, whom she had dated for 27 years before their official legal union.

That's all interesting enough, I guess, but what was truly special about this interview were Turner's mannerisms. She often laughed in Oprah's face. When Oprah suggested that attending Turner's wedding was reminiscent of a real-life version of The Great Gatsby, Turner made a regal gesture with her arms in agreement. Furthermore, Oprah wasn't the only fan in the room — Turner kept fold-out fan fluttering in front of her face throughout much of the sit-down. Fans, by the way, were favors at her wedding. Her rationale, as described to Oprah was, "Sometimes in a restaurant you'll see a lady dressed very nice, she picks up a menu or something…a little fan is always a little bit nice."

Here are some other fun facts about Tina:

  • She peered out a hidden window to watch her wedding guests as they arrived. She laughed at some of them.
  • She chose to reflect her elegant side at her wedding, as opposed to dressing in "hot, funky clothes."
  • All of the mail that fans sent to Tina after seeing her final tour said, "After seeing your show, I went out and I made my life happened." All of it. That is what she achieved. That is what she achieved, according to Oprah.
  • Late in her performing career, she became tired of singing and dancing. She did enjoy some of it, though, especially, "that dah-dah, mmm-hmmm."
  • Performing "Proud Mary" ("gah-gah-gah-gawwww") was always a pleasure because "then it was just me and my girls being naughty, as naughty as we wanted to be."
  • Something is always on your mind, stupid.
  • Erwin Bach proposed to her years ago, but he did it wrong ("Will you marry with me?"), and has been mocked ever since, even though "it was cute, though, dahling"

In the words of Tina, "Oh, Oprah!" In the words of me, "Oh, Tina!"