[There was a video here]

This morning, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, Congressmen Gerald Connolly posed an unusual question to IRS official Sarah Hall Ingram: Have you been consorting with the devil?

“Not to my knowledge sir,” Ingram replied, laughing. Connolly went on.

“Are reports that you can fly accurate?” he asked.

“Greatly exaggerated, sir,” Ingram replied.

“Have you been involved in anyway in trying to pervert our youth, in Salem or anywhere else?”

“I certainly hope not.”

Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, was mocking some of his Republican colleagues, who have hounded Ingram with ridiculous questions and claims since the IRS-Tea Party “scandal” broke in May. Ingram was in charge of the IRS division responsible for the non-targeting of Tea Party groups in 2010 and now heads the division in charge of helping to implement the Affordable Care Act.