When Wall Streeters try and sweep away the atrocities of their industry they inevitably point to banks' charitable donations. Look, Goldman Sachs has given away $1.6 billion since 2006! Of course, Goldman had profits of $1.52 billion in just the third quarter of 2013 alone, and that was considered "concerning." So, sooner or later a bank executive is bound to trot out the story of Robert Wilson.

Earlier this week, the ex-hedge fund executive jumped from his 16th floor apartment in Manhattan's exclusive San Remo building and died at the age of 87. But — but! — before doing so he is said to have donated all of his $800 million fortune to charity. The last $100 million of his went to the Environmental Defense Fund, and Wilson reportedly gave another $100 million to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, the World Monuments Fund, the Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Society over the past few years.

Wilson, who had a history of charitable donations, recently suffered a stroke and reportedly told friends that he did not want to live through pain in his final days. He had told a confidant in the past year that he only had $100 million left to give away. Don't hold your breath waiting for his cohorts to do the same.

[photo via ABC]