A minute-long video shown in court on Friday and obtained by NBC News shows sheriff’s deputies tasering 22-year-old Matthew Ajibade’s groin while he is restrained to a chair. Ajibade would be found dead the next morning.

The video above shows deputies violently subduing Ajibade in the midst of what his family has described as a bipolar episode on New Year’s Day; the video of Ajibade in the restraint chair is below.

Ajibade had been arrested after a domestic disturbance call, CNN reports, and was accused of domestic violence, battery and obstruction of an officer.

He was handcuffed to a restraint chair in an isolation cell at the Chatham County jail, NBC News reports, and was found dead early on January 2nd with a spit mask over his face. He died from “blunt force trauma... a combination of abrasions, lacerations, skin injuries about the head and some other areas of the body,” according to the autopsy.

Nine sheriff’s deputies who were on duty were fired in May. Two of the deputies and a health care worker are standing trial for involuntary manslaughter. Jason Kenny, the deputy who used the taser, was charged with aggravated assault and cruelty to an inmate.

According to NBC, the video of Ajibade in the chair comes from a camera attached to the taser—the red dot, which passes over his groin and thighs, shows where the weapon is pointed.

“It’s been surreal, just seeing everything for the first time and kind of going through it over and over again,” Ajibade’s cousin, Chris Oladapo, told WTOC on Friday. “It’s been just pretty sad and painful on every level.”

Ajibade’s family, who are considering a civil suit, are represented by Mark O’Mara. “It’s horrible that the family had to wait nine months in order to find out how their son, their brother died, not to mention why. So it’s been very troubling because we’ve been trying to get information. I mean, literally we didn’t get the autopsy until it was allowed into evidence and that is absurd disrespect for the victim’s family,” he said on Friday.

O’Mara, who previously represented George Zimmerman, described the video as “disgusting and vile.”

“It is nothing less than torture,” he said. “It’s sadism.”

Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.