The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a socialist thorn in the side of capitalist United States, is not even going to bother trying to be friends with the U.S. anymore, after a series of remarks by Obama U.N. nominee Samantha Power.

Describing a number of countries that have an ongoing "crackdown on civil society," Power included Venezuela in the list. The South American country didn't take too kindly to the insult.

"The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hereby ends the process... of finally normalizing our diplomatic relations," Venezuela's foreign ministry said in a statement.

The State department, which had recently struck a conciliatory tone with the leftist nation, endorsed Power's statements. Venezuela and the United States haven't had ambassadors in each other's capitals since 2010. After president Hugo Chavez's death earlier this year, Washington further alienated the ruling party in Venezuela by not-so-subtly supporting its opponent. Still, Secretary of State John Kerry reached out to Venezuelan officials in June in an attempt to restart formal relations. But with President Maduro (pictured above) now offering asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, the prospects for a better relationship seem grim.

In the words of Comandante Taylor Swift, the U.S. and Venezuela might be never ever getting back together.