Last week, we let you in on a little secret: a diamond was for sale, and it was yours for the taking. Now it looks as though Josephine’s father bought it for her. AGAIN.

Our fault for not seeing this coming.

Seven-year-old Josephine—a baby so weighted down by diamonds that, when she walks, she leaves permanent indents in the concrete beneath her, a cute attribute that allows her parents to find her at all times—“how did you find me?” she asks—they wink to each other silently—is the daughter of Hong Kong real estate investor billionaire Joseph Lau and the owner of several diamonds.

Lau paid $48.5 million for this blue diamond from last week and renamed it “Blue Moon of Josephine.” Then later, at another auction, he paid $28.5 million for a pink diamond and renamed it “Sweet Josephine.” And in 2009 he paid $9.5 million for some other blue diamond and renamed it “Star of Josephine.”


Josephine’s hand:

Your hand:


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