The NYPD's embarrassing protests at two recent police funerals were "unacceptable" to the vast majority of New Yorkers, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. Nearly 70 percent of New Yorkers disapproved of cops turning their backs to Mayor de Blasio, and 77 percent said police union leader Patrick Lynch's "blood on the hands" comments about de Blasio were "too extreme."

While white, black, and Hispanic voters all disapproved of the NYPD's protests and Lynch's statement, other questions were more divisive. From the Quinnipiac University release:

With a big racial division, voters say 47 - 37 percent that Mayor de Blasio's statements and actions during his 2013 campaign and during his first year in office show he does support police. The mayor supports police, black voters say 69 - 19 percent and Hispanic voters say 53 - 33 percent, while white voters say 49 - 36 percent he does not support police.

Police discipline has broken down, voters say 52 - 38 percent, but voters say 62 - 20 percent that Police Commissioner William Bratton can restore or maintain discipline.

Overall, most New Yorkers said they approved of the NYPD's job performance, though that number drops to 41 percent among black voters (66 percent of white voters and 54 percent of Hispanic voters said they approved).

[Image via AP]