Two Connecticut teenagers were arrested and may be expelled from their high school after allegedly making threats to their peers while wearing Columbine costumes on Halloween.

The students, who are both juveniles, were charged with making a criminal threat, inciting injury to persons or property, and breach of peace, according to the New York Times.

The details are still vague, but Litchfield Public Schools superintendent Lynn K. McMullin tells the Times the two students had gone out dressed in “trench coats and sunglasses.” State police say they also made “threats of bodily harm to other students.”

The students’ attorney, David Moraghan, tells the Times it’s all a big misunderstanding: the students did attend a Halloween party dressed in “distasteful” costumes, but they were not armed and did not make any threats.

A group walked up to them, according to Mr. Moraghan’s account, and after commenting that they looked like the Columbine High School killers, someone added, “I bet you’re going to shoot up the school.”

Mr. Moraghan said, “There was a sarcastic response to that, and that was basically the end of it.” He said one girl told her parents, who then called the police. Investigators, in turn, searched the students’ cellphones and their homes, he said.

Now the school is seeking to expel both students, even though the superintendent apparently acknowledges “there was no credible threat and students were never in physical danger.”

“Both boys are so remorseful for their stupidity,” Moraghan tells the Times.

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