[There was a video here]

Early this afternoon, noted Twitter comedian Jon Hendren, aka @fart, spoke to HLN anchor Yasmin Vossoughian about the importance of Edward Snowden’s presence on Twitter. The interview went normally enough, until Vossoughiarn asked Hendren if Snowden’s actions were worth the risks he took.

“Well, you know to say he couldn’t harm someone...well, absolutely he could,” Hendren replied. “But I think to cast him out, to make him invalid in society, simply because he has scissors for hands...I mean that’s strange. People didn’t get scared until he started sculpting shrubs into dinosaur shapes and whatnot.”

Undeterred, or simply not listening, Vossoughian plowed forward with the interview, asking Hendren about Snowden’s asylum in Russia.

“Casting him out is just completely wrong,” @fart replied. “We’re treating him like an animal, like someone who should be quarantined and put away. Just because he was created on top of a mountain by Vincent Price, incomplete with scissors for hand and no heart. Edward Scissorhands is a complete hero to me.”

“I mean, where else is he going to go? You know?” he added. “We cast him out. We got scared when he poked a hole in a waterbed with his scissor fingers, and that was unreasonable of us.”

Contact the author at taylor@gawker.com.