Two 18-month-old twin brothers drowned in Arizona on Friday in a strange and tragic accident that began with an attacking bee, The Washington Post reports.

Authorities say Alexis Keslar was walking her sons in a jogging stroller when she momentarily stopped to "fend off a bee" and the stroller rolled away into a nearby canal. Kesler reportedly jumped in after the boys, but the water's swift current washed the stroller away. From CNN:

After Keslar got out of the canal, she called for help, police said.

The irrigation district that manages the canal slowed the flow of water and reduced the water level to help emergency workers find the boys, authorities said.

After more than an hour of searching, the toddlers were found and flown to a hospital, where they were pronounced dead.

"Many people typically do not comprehend how swift the current in these canals are and how deep the water can be," said police in a statement. "They also do not realize how difficult it is to climb back up many of the canal embankments."

[Image via AP Images]