Jasmine Tridevil, the woman who became infamous last year for claiming to have a surgically implanted third breast—sadly, it turned out to be an expensive prosthesis—has had a bit of a rough start to 2015. TMZ reports she was booked in Tampa early Monday morning for a DUI, and is currently sitting in jail on $500 bail.

Tridevil, real name Alisha Hessler, real number of boobs 2, was also arrested in 2013 for fradulent use of personal information. She's recently been trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame by releasing music videos, but it's not going great. Her first song, the BDSM-themed "Born to Serve," has been widely (and fairly) panned.

She's not giving up, though, just like she's not giving up wearing that third breast even after it was exposed as a hoax. She wrote this inspirational post on Facebook last week:

Ok so my last horrendous song is failing and I will just let it be a lesson learned. Im going to try something different this time. Next song will be a different genre and also have larger words in the lyrics. I deliberately used very short words because most songs on radio stations only have words that are under 2 syllables since you know, the average American is an idiot.

As I said before, one does not truly fail unless they give up. Always remember that. Never allow what others think dictate your life. Worship yourself and live life to the fullest. Otherwise you will regret it.

#Blessed, y'all.

[h/t TMZ, Photo: Mugshots.com]