The video above shows South Carolina Highway Patrol trooper Sean Groubert, 31, shooting Levar Jones, 35, during a routine traffic stop for a seatbelt violation. Groubert shot at Jones without provocation, striking him in the hip. The trooper was fired on Friday and arrested last night for assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature.

According to The State, the shooting happened on September 4, and Jones spent time in the hospital but is recovering. The video shows Groubert shooting at Jones at least three times after Jones reaches for his license, which Groubert instructed him to do. He continues to shoot and yells "get on the ground" after Jones puts his hands up. Jones then calls out offscreen, "What did I do, sir?... I can't feel my leg."

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety called the video of the stop "disturbing." If convicted, Groubert faces up to 20 years in prison.