Trayvon Martin's mother testified this morning in the murder trial of George Zimmerman, the man who is charged with shooting the 17-year-old last year. Just before speaking in court, Sybrina Fulton tweeted:

Day 19 - I pray that God gives me strength to properly represent my Angel Trayvon. He may not be perfect but (cont)

— Sybrina Fulton (@SybrinaFulton) July 5, 2013

She began her testimony with a simple and emotional introduction: "My youngest son is Trayvon Benjamin Martin. He's in heaven.”

Fulton and Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin, have been in attendance for every single day of the trial so far, sitting through days of testimony about the shooting. They have reportedly left the courtroom abruptly during some of the testimony.

George Zimmerman claims that he shot the unarmed 17-year-old on February 26, 2012 in self-defense.

A serious point of contention in the case is which voice is screaming in the background of the 911 tapes from that evening. Fulton says that her son is screaming for help, and Zimmerman's father says that his son is the one yelling. Trayvon's brother, Jahvaris Fulton, also said he recognized Trayvon's voice on the tapes.

During the cross-examination today, Fulton reported: "I heard my son screaming."

The prosecution is expected to wrap this case today. If convicted, George Zimmerman, 29, will face life in prison for second-degree murder.

[image via AP]