After finding herself locked alone inside her local church with no one around to let her out, Sarah Greep knew there was only one higher power she could turn to for help in this time of need: Twitter.

"I'm locked in inside St.Andrews Church!," Greep, of Plymouth, England, tweeted to her followers yesterday morning. "I was in private praying chapel & when I came out, everyone was gone & doors locked."

Greep, who amusingly enough makes jams for a living, was advised to use the phone with which she was tweeting to try and contact someone from the church.

Speaking with the Daily Telegraph, Greep said she didn't want to bother too many people because "it was a lovely day outside" and she "thought most people would be out enjoying the weather."

Indeed, the few calls she did place went unanswered.

Eventually, after about an hour of tweeting, Greep's digital beacon was picked up by West Plymouth Chief Inspector Brendan Brookshaw, who contacted the church's warden to help release Greep from her living Hell.

Actually, to hear Greep tell it, things weren't all that bad inside the Minster Church of St Andrew.

In one tweet, she told followers that if forced to wait until evening services to be let out, she may be forced to crack open a bottle of communion wine and get drunk.

Upon her rescue two hours later, Greep revealed that there were a few details she did leave untweeted.

"There's are some things I haven't told anyone about what happened in the church!" she wrote, signing off with a winky-faced emoticon.

[screengrabs via @SarahGreep]