Toy Story's Woody Arrested for Sex Crimes in Times Square
Following the lead of Cookie Monster and Batman, a man dressed as Woody from the Toy Story films was arrested Thursday in Times Square on multiple sex charges.
Jose Vaszquez, in full Woody gear, was busted last night by two plainclothes NYPD detectives after allegedly assaulting "numerous girls," according to the New York Post.
Times Square's Woody from "Toy Story" arrested on sex charges
— New York Post Metro (@nypmetro) January 10, 2014
Vasquez's arrest as Woody marks Disney's entry into the bizarro world of costumed crime in Times Square: Last April, a man dressed as Cookie Monster was arrested for shoving a two-year-old boy (not to be confused with the Jew-hating Elmo of Central Park) and in February, a man dressed as Spider-Man said he was attacked by a snowball-wielding mom.
And, of course, there was the Weed Man vs Beer Man fight witnessed by Predator and Alien.
[Image via AP]