Today is election day! It is at best the second-most important election day of the next 12 months and also the only election of the next 12 months to feature a rapping sheriff.

Or, at least, it will be the only election in the next 12 months to feature a guy who raps and who wants to become the sheriff of Fauquier County in Virginia. Old white man Chris DeCarlo is a politician, in a sense, but at this point it would be most accurate to call him a rapper. He is currently campaigning to run the police department in a county just southwest of Washington, D.C., but he is mostly rapping.

Above you see the video for the openly absurd “Gun Fight at the Fauquier Canal.” If it seems suspiciously well-produced it’s because DeCarlo has been doing rap campaign videos since at least 2012, when he ran to represent Virgina’s 11th district in Congress. (He lost.) “Gun Fight at the Fauquier Canal,” which is essentially a twangy country song with rap verses, is more DeCarlo’s newest single than his newest campaign ad.

In 2013, when he ran for sheriff of Fairfax County, he put out a certified Libertarian anthem called “A Sheriff to Fight the Organized Crime of Corrupted Governance,” which you see above. Compared to “Gun Fight at the Fauquier Canal,” it is stiffer and less confident in its rapping, but it at least beat Macklemore to kitschy ‘80s rap revival by several years.

As of this afternoon, DeCarlo’s main opponent in this most recent race, incumbent sheriff Charley Ray Fox Jr., seemed confident that he was going to retain his seat. A challenger, Bob Mosier, is trying to drum up support. Chris DeCarlo could use your vote, if you of course happen to live in Fauquier County, Virginia. I don’t see any reason why this man should not command an entire police force.

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