“If I had a rocket launcher some sonofabitch would die,” said Bruce Cockburn once in a song that could be, but isn’t, about these not-kidding-around dudes, who allegedly amassed a disturbingly large arsenal of weapons and drugs in a quest to blow up a Florida police station.

Authorities say Christopher Conger, 32, and Jeremy Robertson, 29, were both arrested last week after an apparently bogus tip about a rocket launcher led cops to their still-extremely-illegal storage shed. Via the Orlando Sentinel:

“There is some sophistication to this outfit,” sheriff’s Maj. Terry Bovaird said. “This isn’t like somebody found a joint somewhere and a guy had a small, little weapon. This is something that is significant.”

Among the items seized were 22 guns, including at least one rifle with a scope, several containers of black powder sheriff’s officials said could be used to make explosive devices, two bulletproof vests along with powdered and crack cocaine, prescription pills and more than a pound of marijuana. Also discovered during Friday’s raid were devices resembling detonators that are under evaluation by agents with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to sheriff’s Lt. Brian Dotten.

Thankfully—or perhaps worringly—cops found no evidence of the aforementioned rocket launcher in the shed. (It appears no one informed the Daily News).

Both men are facing felony charges.

Image via Marion County by way of the NYDN. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.