Photo: AP

Three high-ranking NYPD officials and a Brooklyn businessman were arrested Monday morning, DNAinfo reports, in connection with the federal municipal corruption investigation, which has ranged from the police department to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign fundraising.

Those officers arrested include: Deputy Inspector James Grant; Deputy Chief Michael Harrington; and Sgt. David Villanueva. Jeremy Reichberg, who hosted a fundraiser for the mayor’s nonprofit, Campaign for One New York, in 2014 was also arrested.

Investigators believe Grant provided Reichberg with off-the-books police escorts, and in turn received free trips to Las Vegas, access to a private jet, and sex with prostitutes. Villanueva worked in the gun license bureau, and is suspected of taking bribes.

The arrests came after Jona Rechnitz, an Upper West Side real estate investor also implicated in the mayoral fundraising investigation, plead guilty to corruption charges and started cooperating with the feds.

Rechnitz’s cooperation was revealed after the arrest of Norman Seabrook, president of the city’s jail officers’ union, on corruption charges earlier this month.

The complaint against Seabrook stated that Rechnitz—who was not identified by name, but was later identified by the New York Times—was assisting in that investigation “among other things.” From the Times:

While the charges being leveled against the police officials were uncovered during one of the half-dozen fund-raising investigations focused on Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, and his inner circle, there has been no suggestion that the mayor himself was involved in the conduct described in the court papers, a criminal complaint charging Deputy Chief Harrington, Deputy Inspector Grant and Mr. Reichberg. The fund-raising investigation and several other inquiries by federal prosecutors, the F.B.I. and other agencies focused on the mayor’s donors and fund-raising were continuing. The scope of the broader fund-raising inquiries remains unclear.

Police Commissioner William J. Bratton has said the department believes investigators have identified all of the police officials involved in the alleged misconduct, though it is unknown whether the charges on Monday will conclude that line of inquiry by federal prosecutors, F.B.I. agents and Internal Affairs investigators.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Reichberg and Rechnitz both served on de Blasio’s inauguration committee. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is expected to announce the charges at noon on Monday.