Thousands of Bees Crushed By Traffic in Literal Honey Trap

A honey spill in the middle of a Florida highway drew thousands of stupid bees to their death on Thursday. According to the News-Press, Neslan Torralvo of Torralvo’s Honey & Pollination Service hit a bump in the road, spilling 200 gallons of honey—about 2,400 pounds—or nearly $5,000—worth.
The spill caused thousands of honeybees to flock to the intersection to get a sweet taste. Torralvo, also a beekeeper, said the bees were drawn by the smell.
Emergency workers and police from Cape Coral, Lee County Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida Highway Patrol swatted the swarming insects as they tried directing traffic and cleaning up the honey.
With the bees landing on the honey residue, thousands were crushed by traffic or sprayed away by firefighters.
The bees hung around the area for hours after the spill, tempting fate to get some of that sweet, sweet honey, as local businesses continued to call for beekeepers. There were no human fatalities, just thousands and thousands of bees.
As one official helping with cleanup told reporters, “Everyone fared pretty well. Except the traffic . . . and the bees.”
[Image via News-Press]