Brooklyn-based writer and comic Kyle Ayers swears it happened this way:

He was hanging out on the rooftop of his apartment building, just enjoying the view with a few other people, when a couple suddenly showed up and started breaking up in front of everyone.

"A couple is breaking up on my roof right now," he tweeted Saturday evening. "I was just trying to enjoy the view. Now I will live tweet the breakup."

And so, with the help of the hashtag #roofbreakup, Ayers proceeded to do just that, as thousands followed along rapt with wonder.

In the end, not even the promise of pizza could save this failed relationship, and that basically says it all.

And "I'm not talking about love on a roof in Brooklyn" is this generation's "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

[H/T: Postgrad Problems via BroBible, screengrab via @michmarkowitz]