Lots of cities have songs about them. Well, now Jacksonville does too, and it's fucking awesome.

Listen to this song while watching the video in enjoyment. I think you'll feel more excitement about the city of Jacksonville than you have at any time since last night, when the Jaguars won a football game on national television. Congratulations to the players, coaches, support staff, and fans on a job well done.

"The Landing, Libraries, Park District/ And fun things to do at the Zoo/ When you think that you have finished/ Look around and they've built something new." They're always building things in Jacksonville. It never stops.

"In Jacksonville, Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Florida," the song continues. (Sorry, Jacksonville, North Carolina!)

You may be disheartened, as I was, to learn that naysayers on social media are calling this song "cringeworthy" or even "bad," as the Florida Times-Union reports. This, despite the fact that the song is an unofficial effort by amateurs—spearheaded by Laurence Walden, "a veteran entertainment professional who once was a producer and director of theme park shows at Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif"— who are just looking to spread some civic spirit.

Also despite the fact that this song is the bomb. Perhaps social media naysayers should check their facts before commenting? "Haters" of this Jacksonville theme song can step to the rear—or perhaps to Tampa, which has no such theme song to speak of.

As a popular song once said, "Many have come, many have gone. There are those who come to stay." Won't you?