[There was a video here]

Ten-year-old Tobias Bass has big dreams: He wants to be an Army pastor when he grows up so he can help bring comfort to dying soldiers on the front lines.

But little Tobias also has a smaller dream that would mean the world to someone else: His older brother Titus.

Titus was born with cerebral palsy, but that hasn't stopped him from his own dreams of participating in a real long-distance race.

Titus spends his days looking longingly out of windows at other children running and playing, wishing he could join them.

And with Tobias's help, he finally will.

The precocious Okie recently sent a letter to a local news station asking for help obtaining a jogging stroller so he and Titus could participate in John Marshall Mid-High School's 5K run.

"My mom is a teacher and can't afford one of those fancy running pushing joggers and all I have to use is a baby pushing stroller," Tobias wrote News 9 [pdf]. "Can you go on the news and not ask Oklahomans to give me anything but can someone loan me a jogger pusher so I can push Titus in the 5K?"

News 9 did more than just report the story — they contacted Oklahoma Able Tech and obtained a jogging stroller for Tobian and Titus.

"Not a loaner," the station says, "a keeper."

The first race takes place Friday night, and News 9 promises to stay with the two brothers as both their dreams come true.

[H/T: Uproxx, images and video via News9]