"Yeah, I'd fuck Diddy," says Los Angeles-based battle rapper Daylyt in this new VladTV interview. "I'm not gonna front, I'd fuck the shit out of Diddy...Like, why not? Diddy's attractive. Get him off, like, a bottle of Ciroc, a shot of Ciroc, he got plenty of Ciroc. I'll fuck...Like, pause, no homo, let's really be honest, Diddy thick, yo."

There is a brief discussion at the end of the full interview on the VladTV site about Daylyt's potential trolling—he says he's not a troll and is down to take a lie-detector test. Still, these comments and those about setting up an I Wanna Fuck P. Diddy website and Kickstarter are the latest attention-grabbing antics from a niche artist who is known for stunts like stripping during a battle and posting his dick online (both NSFW, obviously).

Even in a post-"Throw That Boy Pussy" world, even in a time when Frank Ocean's declaration of love for a man didn't do anything to hinder sales, airplay, or Grammys wins, homosexuality in hip-hop remains taboo. For years, overt expressions of homophobia were socially acceptable in hip-hop, more so than any other genre of popular music—and by wide margins, too. But things are getting better!

A declared straight guy using man-on-man sex as an angle, cynical as it is, counts as progress in a genre where it seemed only a few years ago that open gay men were entirely unwelcome. Daylyt still risks misinterpretation and being branded via comments, but this is more radical than Lil B naming his album I'm Gay in 2011—the title came with a caveat, a parenthetical I'm Happy underneath. It's also funny.

Daylyt previously told VladTV that it was "ugly" that this year's Best Rap Album-winner at the Grammys, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' The Heist, contained a pro-gay message. In the same interview, he declared, "For all I know, this year you might see the first official gay rapper, and if that happens, he's going to do ridiculous numbers." He knows what he's doing.

He also had this to say about gay people in general, in yet another VladTV interview (VladTV looooooves to talk to people about gay shit, and Daylyt seems to love to talk about it):

I don't think gay people think about the future, and gay people promote gay activity and it's almost as if they want more people to be gay. So I say this to all gay people: Fuck being gay, start trying to be a scientist to come up with a way that two gay people to reproduce. I don't care if you gay, you can fuck a zillion guys all you want, if you can reproduce…go for it. But my thing is, if all the girls say, "I don't want guys no more, I only want to talk to girls," and all the guys in the world say, "I don't want to talk to girls no more, I want to talk to guys," who's going to have babies? Extinction. Being gay is going against the natural order of the human being species. If you cannot reproduce then there is no point of it, we are only living for one reason: to reproduce, to keep the human species going. That's it. So fuck being a gay person at the club, you need to be a gay scientist. You need to have a gay scientific committee to come up with a way for gay people to reproduce. All you dumb-ass stud bitches going to have your gay homeboy fuck you to get pregnant, like, that's absurd. I been seeing a lot of pregnant studs nowadays, that's crazy.

Yes, indeed. Absurd.