The New York Post knows a broad when it sees one. On Sunday the unprofitable tabloid published photos of Bill de Blasio’s chief spokeswoman, Lis Smith, inviting disgraced New York Governor and married man Eliot Spitzer into her Soho apartment. Very understandably, the paper wants her fired.

Here is Post columnist Andrea Peyser, raving about Smith (“not just any ordinary bimbo”) and “ex-Love Gov” Spitzer’s newfound bond, which “makes me ashamed to call myself a New Yorker.”

Don’t underestimate Lis’ status as a hot and fit political insider. She was Eliot’s spokeswoman during his disastrous primary campaign for city comptroller this year. ... The union of the ambitious, youngish cookie and the megarich heir to Daddy’s real-estate empire has cemented New York’s image as a sexual mosh pit in which male politicians (Spitzer, Anthony Weiner) forget their marriage vows, and women use married degenerates to advance their careers.

I hope Lis and Eliot enjoy a long, happy life living in sin. Just do it somewhere else.

And here is reporter Tara Palmeri, investigating Smith’s dating career. Citing unnamed “sources,” Palermi begins with her high school yearbook:

Spitzer gal pal Lis Smith took her inspiration from Lady Macbeth, Machiavelli and Nietzsche while at tony Bronxville HS — quoting the trio on her 2001 senior yearbook page. "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't,'' she wrote, citing Lady Macbeth.

Palmeri helpfully highlights Smith’s lack of girlfriends with whom she might have done girly things (instead of fucking Eliot Spitzer):

Another political insider said that, as with Spitzer, it was just like Smith to get tangled up with someone in power where she worked. Smith was Spitzer's communications director for his failed bid for city comptroller when the pair began a relationship, sources have said. "She definitely dates men in positions of power and politics,'' the source said. "She's not a girl's girl. She doesn't have any girlfriends."

I mean—what else is there to say? Lis Smith doesn’t have gal pals! She’s living in sin!

The New York Post obviously has the new administration’s very best interests at heart, so de Blasio should fire Lis Smith—publicly, dramatically, and immediately. And since the paper overflows with levelheaded moral judgement, we should take their advice completely seriously.