The strongest man in Westeros is now also the strongest man in Europe. Hafþór "Thor" Björnsson—who plays Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane on Game of Thrones—lifted more heavy things than his opponents at a competition in Leeds, England earlier this month to claim the title of Europe's Strongest Man 2014.

Bjornsson, already the strongest man in Iceland and second-strongest in the world, took first in three events in the competition: Deadlifting for reps, lifting Atlas stones, and the forward hold. The object being held in that last one was, appropriately enough, "Thor's Hammer."

Thor celebrated his new title by ripping off his shirt and bellowing that he's "the future of strength" and "King of the Stones."

Pretty hard to argue with that, especially after what happened to the last guy who challenged him.

[H/T Uproxx]