The Wall Street Journal reports the end of a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Museum of Art—one of the greatest museums in the world, though still not as good as most museums in D.C.—that alleged admissions-price trickery. Now, the Met will use less misleading language about the price of entry, but the sign will still be wrong, because it costs $0.

The suit was filed by some foreign tourists who were angry they paid to get in when the museum’s admission has always been a “recommended” sum, rather than obligatory. That sucks, but so it goes—ripping off suckers is one of New York’s best remaining traditions. Now, the sign’s wording will change to trick fewer dummies:

As a result, Met officials said language at the museum’s admission desks, self-service kiosks and website would be changed to say “suggested admission” instead of “recommended admission.”

The new signs will also include “an affirmative statement saying you can pay any amount you want,” said Andrew Celli, Jr., a lawyer for the plaintiffs. “If you put it next to the old sign there is a dramatic difference.”

Nope, still wrong: Admission is free. If, upon walking toward the world-class collection of stolen art and antiquities, you’re asked by a museum employee to perhaps pay some money in exchange for your visit, just say “no thanks, I’m good. The Met has an over $2.5 billion endowment.” And breeze on by. It’s true: the Met is extremely wealthy and doesn’t need your cash.

The Met’s president, Daniel Weiss, is still going to try to make you feel guilty for not forking over the suggested or recommended or whatever the fuck 25 bones for an adult who wants to see some art, a public good:

“For what the museum provides, a $25 fee is actually quite a bargain,” said Mr. Weiss. “But we don’t want the public to feel that they have to pay it. We want to strike a fair bargain with every visitor.”

Hey Dan: NO!!

Photo: Getty

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