"I heard a rumor that Matt Damon was in Rabat, filming a movie called The Green Zone."

So begins (more or less) the greatest story about one American girl's Odyssey-like Moroccan adventure to hunt down the whereabouts of actor Matt Damon ever told on Twitter and then Storifyed.

Erin Faulk's incredible tale has everything: Mystery, misdirection, Morocco, Matt Damon. What more could you want? Pizza? It's got that too!

Still on the fence? Here's Erin's tl;dr version of this story: "I found Matt Damon in Morocco by asking people 'Where is Matt Damon?'"

You want to know more, don't you? Go ahead. Erin insists this story is "100% true":

[H/T: Uproxx, photos via Green Zone, Tumblr]