Photo: AP

The New York Post, essentially the Donald J. Trump of newspapers, is endorsing Donald J. Trump for president in the most underwhelming way possible.

In fact the only interesting thing about the endorsement is how transparent the paper is in its opinion that Trump will have to change significantly to be a worthwhile candidate. “Should he win the nomination, we expect Trump to pivot — not just on the issues, but in his manner,” the post reads. “The post-pivot Trump needs to be more presidential: better informed on policy, more self-disciplined and less thin-skinned.”

So he needs to become someone who isn’t Trump.

The post goes on to laud Trump as “an imperfect messenger carrying a vital message,” an unclear compliment that could be an indication of any number of things, including:

  • The Post supports temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country.
  • The Post agrees that women who have abortions should be punished.
  • The Post supports building a wall to deter illegal immigrants from entering the country.
  • The Post supports lusting after one’s own daughter.

I could go on, but I won’t, because truly, nothing matters.