Having overseen the near-total collapse of the Newsweek-Daily Beast conglomerate, Tina Brown announced last month that she was leaving The Daily Beast—uh, strictly by choice, of course. The site hastened to add that it would not be closing down. It will, however, be laying people off.

At Capital NY, Joe Pompeo reports that "Roughly 20 employees across the editorial and business sides were fired yesterday and today." Pompeo says that leaves TDB with a total headcount of about 65 employees. If you are one of them, you might consider browsing job listings when your workday has concluded. Though there are exceptions to every rule, the outlook at media companies that find themselves in this position typically does not brighten from here on out.

Also, TDB editor John Avlon reminds employees in a memo, "don’t forget that The Daily Beast is nominated for hottest news site by Adweek - so if you didn’t vote yet, please do."