Rachel Canning, the New Jersey high school senior who tried and failed to sue her parents for college tuition, will be able to afford at least one year of university. She announced she's accepted a $56,000 scholarship to a Massachusetts school.

Canning originally wanted her parents to pay for her first-choice school, the University of Vermont, where she had a $20,000 scholarship offer. Now she's decided to attend Western New England University instead. She'll stick to her plan of majoring in biomedical engineering.

"Decision made," she wrote on March 30. "WNE U class of 2018 BME Major w/ 56,000$ scholarship."

After a few weeks of living with her best friend's family, who funded the lawsuit, Canning moved back in with her parents in mid-March. She agreed to give up her legal battle shortly afterward.

[Photo Credit: AP Images]