Buffy Actor Arrested at Another Convention in Florida

According to reports, police in Tallahassee arrested Buffy the Vampire Slayer actor Nicholas Brendon this weekend—his third convention-related arrest this year.
Brendon was supposed to be headlining the ALT*Con pop culture festival but reportedly became so intoxicated at his hotel that he eventually fell asleep on the floor in front of a stranger's room. E! has the sad timeline from the Hotel Duval:
The manager at the front desk told an officer who arrived that he had contacted them at the actor's request and that Brendon had taken pills and alcohol and was walking around the hotel with blood on him and his clothes torn and wet from a toilet he says the actor had caused to overflow. During their conversation, Brendon arrived, wearing a T-shirt and pajama pants that had a crotch tear, the report stated.
"I observed him with toothpaste all over his face and shirt, his pants were torn, he had defecated on himself and his pajama pants were wet below the knees," the officer wrote in the report.
He said he also saw in the room a prescription pill bottle containing one pill, sitting on a dresser. A prescription for 10 pills was filled earlier that day, the officer stated.
He said Brendon had also during his stay occupied another, similar room, located on a higher floor, which was given to him after he was denied an upgrade. The officer visited it to try to locate the actor's phone and observed there a soaking wet carpet and bathroom floor, a smashed porcelain piece of décor, a damaged dresser, a landline telephone pulled out of its socket and a flipped bed.
Brendon was arrested for destruction of property and released on Saturday. He was also arrested on similar charges last month at a different Florida convention center, where he apparently declined to pay for his room service charges.
Despite his growing arrest record, he tells the Tallahasee Democrat the conventions are actually good for him.
"These events kind of give me help and I love meeting my fans," he said. "So, it's kind of like the refuge outside of my head."
Image via AP. Contact the author of this post at gabrielle@gawker.com