When Daniella Parker, the adopted daughter of Houston Mayor Annise Parker, tried to sign up for a driver's test this week, she brought what she thought was all the necessary paperwork. There was just one problem: Daniella's other parent was—of all things— another woman!

Texas DPS apparently had no protocol for this zany circumstance wherein two ladies (ladies!) raised one child, claiming Daniella's birth certificate could only "be from [one] mom," according to Mayor Parker.

It eventually took three trips to DPS and "an unnecessary paper chase" using different sets of documents before Daniella was finally able to get her driver's license.

DPS spokesperson Tom Vinger denied Mayor Parkers version of events on Friday, saying, "There is no indication that any delay in the process was related to same-sex marriage."

A similar case occurred earlier this year, when Texas DPS refused to accept documentation from a woman who took her wife's last name after getting married, officials having only encountered such strange circumstances for around 80 years of boy-girl marriages.

[Image via the City of Houston]