Texas Frats Ban Any Party Theme Involving "Pimps" and/or "Hos"

In an effort to save face after one of its members threw a racist "border patrol" party last month, the interfraternity council at the University of Texas introduced "culturally sensitive" party theme rules. The council also released lists of approved and forbidden themes.
Although the Texas Fiji chapter ultimately wasn't punished for hosting an event where students wore "construction hard hats with the names 'Jefe' and 'Pablo Sanchez' written on them, as well as reflective vests and work gloves," the IFC wants to avoid another situation where a fraternity comes perilously close to being held accountable for its party-related actions.
Henceforth, frats "will exhibit cultural sensitivity and will respect all cultures, races, ethnicities, and religions." At least, that's what their updated code of conduct says.
In practice, that just means these perennially popular themes are OUT—"just say NO to anything involving the word 'ho'":

And these "sensitive" replacements are IN:

I cannot possibly imagine how any of these themes could be employed to "get women to wear as little possible." The beach? Mardi Gras? Las Vegas? This list is foolproof.
Although "border patrol" isn't mentioned specifically, banning "gals and gauchos" and "south of the border" parties seems like an obvious suggestion to maybe not dress as Mexican caricatures next time.
But Fiji (the same house that allegedly made a "no Mexicans" rule back in 2007) says their party theme wasn't really "border patrol," it was just "western," and it's not their fault that guests took it a little too far.
If we've learned anything about frats, it's that if they really want to throw an unofficially racist party, they will find a way to do so. Even if the theme is "P" is for Party.
[h/t The College Fix, Photo: Julia Brouillette/The Daily Texan]