Police officers in Forney, Tx. made the unforgivable mistake of pulling over a woman and her four children in early August, handcuffing her, and holding the whole family at gunpoint until they realized they'd pulled over the wrong car.

The police were reportedly looking for beige or tan-colored Toyota, as someone had called in to report that there were four men in the car, one of whom was waving a gun out the window. Kametra Barbour, the woman who was stopped, was driving a red Nissan when she was pulled over.

In dashcam footage of the event, Barbour's six-year-old son is seen exiting the car with his hands up when the police realized they'd made a mistake.

Barbour spoke with WFAA8 after the incident, explaining that she was deeply troubled by the mistake and the way the police handled it:

"I need you to make sure you have all the facts, because you can't just say, 'Okay, I'm sorry,' and then I'm over it. I can't. Every time I listen to and hear or think about it, it bothers you. I can't just say, 'I'm fine. It's okay. It's not a big deal.' It is," Barbour said.

The Forney Police Department acknowledged that there was a firearm involved in their mistaken pull-over, but have not apologized for the incident.

[Image via YouTube]