A young Texas cop is being investigated after using a stun gun on a 76-year-old driver with expired tags in an incident caught on the police cruiser's dash cam.

The man, Pete Vasquez, was pulling into the auto shop in Victoria, where he reportedly works as a mechanic, when Officer Nathaniel Robinson, 23, approached him.

It's hard to hear what they're saying on the video, which is drowned out by Robinson's radio, but the Victoria Advocate reports that Vasquez was trying to explain that his dealer tags made his car exempt from inspection. Suddenly, the officer grabbed Vasquez and shoved him against the hood of the police cruiser, apparently trying to handcuff him. As the pair struggle, they fall out of sight of the camera, where police say Robinson shot Vasquez with the taser at least twice—once in the chest and once in the leg.

Vasquez was handcuffed and transported to the hospital in the back of a police cruiser, the Advocate reports. He was eventually released, after two hours in police custody, without incident.

He tells Local 2 news that the chief of police came to his home later that night to apologize.