A Texas high school cheer squad is taking its two-year battle to cheer for Jesus all the way to the state Supreme Court. The Kountze High cheerleaders—go lions!—want the right to put Bible verses on their banners. They asked the state Supreme Court on Wednesday to "recognize [their] speech as private, making any ban a violation of the First Amendment."

The case started back in 2012, when the Freedom From Religion Foundation pointed out that advertising Phil 4:13 at a public school football game violates the Establishment Clause. Kountze banned the Jesus banners, and the cheerleaders then sued the district. The case has been carrying on ever since, even though most of the girls have moved on to college by now and are going through a Buddhism phase.

Cheerleader Ashton Lawrence did underline her appreciation for other faiths in a statement to CBS News: "If it was a group that was wanting to post not scriptures, but maybe phrases from a different religion they should also be allowed to have their speech." God bless 'em all.

[Image via AP]