Today in unspeakable sadness, the story of Raphael Wittmann, a 14-year-old German boy with terminal cancer who broke both his legs and bit off his tongue in a head-on collision during a "dream ride" in a Porsche Boxster.

The disastrous drive, which ended in a head-on collision with oncoming traffic, was conceived by a charity called Kinder Krebshilfe as a Make a Wish-style dream-fulfillment for the teen, who died in intensive care two months later. Now, his parents are suing the organization, claiming it did not make an effort to give assistance after the crash.

From the Daily Mail:

The only acknowledgement his family say he received from those involved in organising the event was an iPhone from the driver who was at the wheel when Raphael died.

His father Franz believes the accident on May 17 this year robbed his son of the will to live.

'After the hand that fate had dealt him, he just didn't have the strength to go on any longer' he said.

Karin Benedik, head of Kinder Krebshlif, denied responsibility, blaming Porsche Forum, the organization that hosted the charity event. She told the Guardian:

We are speechless. We helped this family, and now our name is being dragged through the mud. We don't want to say any more because we need to see what the accusations are, but as far as we're concerned we were not the organisers and are not responsible.

[Image via Daily Mail]