Nancy Fredrickson had just parked her car in front of her Seattle home when she turned around and saw a gun pointed at her face.

"I thought it was a joke," the 71-year-old told KOMO News. Soon, Fredrickson realized the group of teenage boys wanted her car, and gave her keys freely. From KOMO:

"He says 'I want your keys!' I says 'There right here on the ground.' I had thrown them down like that," Fredrickson said while pointing to the pavement.

Fredrickson said her body froze as the three suspects got into her car thinking their getaway was within reach. There was just one problem.

The problem: the teens, like plenty of people these days, didn't know how to drive stick, and abandoned the car after failing to get it started. "I got a 5-speed in there, and they couldn't figure out how to get it going," Fredrickson said.

Had the theft gone on any longer, Fredrickson may have had another trick up her sleeve: The senior citizen told KOMO she's a black belt, and has been studying martial arts for 20 years. Good thing those kids ran off.