Damn. After launching a petition to have his amazing laser cat photo run in his high school year book, Schenectady High School senior Draven Rodriguez will have to settle for the significantly less exciting prospect of posing for another photo with his cat and the school's principal—and her chihuahua. Sounds like someone was jealous...

"We reached a compromise that everybody's happy about," principal Diane Wilkinson told the Times Union. "It was the principal's idea, she went to the student with it, and he loved it," school district spokeswoman Karen Corona told the paper. Hmmmm.

According to the Times Union, the new photo will run on the principal's page in the yearbook (...interesting) "with a message advocating animal rescue and adoption." The Daily Gazette reports that the new photo will be in the guise of the original, lasers and all, and will be taken by the same photographer.

"We wanted to make sure that Draven knows that we appreciate his creativity and energy around this, and we wanted to do something out of the ordinary with it," Corona told the Gazette.

[H/T Daily Intel // Image via Vincent Giordano/Trinacria Photography]