A 14-year-old girl was reportedly raped Tuesday night in a remote village in the Indian state Jharkhand as "revenge" for another alleged rape. According to New Delhi TV, the self-appointed headman of the village ordered the attack, which was allegedly carried out by a 25-year-old man.

The BBC reports that the headman ordered the attack because the teen girl's brother is accused of raping another woman. Jharkhand police chief Rajiv Kumar told the BBC:

This rape happened out of retaliation. The day before, on July 6th, the wife of the accused was the victim of misbehavior on the part of the girl's brother. The head of the village was instrumental in provoking this rape on the victim.

Kumar said he's never heard of a "revenge" rape like this before. New Delhi TV notes that the village headman is feared in the area. He and the alleged rapists in both attacks have been arrested. The girl is recovering in a nearby hospital.

The Indian government has improved sexual violence laws since 2012, when a girl was gang raped and murdered on a Delhi bus. Still, this year there have been at least two reports of young girls being raped as punishment — in May, two teen girls were found hanging from a tree after being apparently gang raped, and in January, a 20-year-old girl was gang raped because her village did not like who she was dating.

[Image via AP]