A Connecticut teen delivered the celebrity prom invitation to (hopefully) end all celebrity prom invitations when she asked U.S. Vice President "Diamond Joe" Biden to be her date.

Talia Maselli, a senior at Newington High School, mailed a handwritten note seven months ago, requesting that Biden escort her to the dance.

"I am inviting you so far in advance because I'm sure many 17-year-old girls send you prom invitations, and I had to beat them to it," Maselli said in her letter. "I could only tolerate a high school dance if I was to be escorted by the most delightful man in America."

She didn't expect to hear back, but did prod the VP a little bit by threatening to take Speaker of the House John Boehner if he didn't respond.

But Biden did eventually reply, on the night before the dance, with a note and a corsage delivered to Maselli's home.

"I am flattered, but my schedule will not permit me to be in Connecticut on Friday evening," he wrote, "But I hope you will accept this corsage and enjoy your prom as much as I did mine."

Maselli, now 18, didn't end up going to prom—it just wasn't worth it without Biden.

"If he had said yes, I would have gone," she told the Hartford Courant.

She and her family will, however, take Biden up on his offer of a visit to the White House in July.

[H/T @neetzan, Photo: AP Images]