Tavi Gevinson Is Dating the "Pitchfork Reviews Reviews" Guy?!?!

Style blogging prodigy Tavi Gevinson, the world's busiest 18-year-old, is starring in a play with Kieran Culkin and Michael Cera. But she still can't leave the blog life behind: We hear she's dating David Shapiro, the Tumblr blogger behind "Pitchfork Reviews Reviews."
Despite her packed schedule—Gevinson is still listed as the editor-in-chief of Rookie, the magazine she founded, and undertaking at least most of the eight weekly performances in a revival of Kenneth Lonergan's This Is Our Youth—sources tell us Gevinson has been quietly seeing 26-year-old Shapiro, a law student and the author of You're Not Much Use to Anyone, for a few weeks.
Shapiro and Gevinson first met in 2011, at the Pitchfork Festival in Chicago. He immortalized their second meeting in a party report for the Awl:
Then I come over and say, "Hi, I'm David, we hung out at Pitchfork," because Tavi was my friend Angelica's +1 at the Pitchfork Festival in July and the three of us hung out one afternoon there. I don't know if she'd remember me because she meets thousands of people, and I don't want her to not remember me, but I don't want to introduce myself as if we've never met before because then she might think I am doing that thing where you knowingly introduce yourself to someone you've already met and pretend you don't remember them to show them that they're not important to you and consequently you are cooler than they are. But Tavi was really friendly at Pitchfork, and also, she is 15.
Image via AP. Gawker is a gossip blog; we love gossip. If you have any, shoot me an email: max@gawker.com.