
New York to Torture Fewer People With Solitary Confinement

Andy Cush · 12/16/15 02:12PM

In the New York State prison system, it’s possible to be thrown into solitary confinement for a nonviolent offense, then kept there for two years straight, 23 hours a day with no days off. That’s exactly what happened to Leroy Peoples, the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit settled this week that will drastically reduce the use of the punishment.

Report: In New York, Justice for the Poor Is a Joke

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 12:12PM

One nice thing about America is that even if you are poor, you cannot legally be railroaded for any old criminal accusation; you are guaranteed justice and fair representation. A new report details just how much of a farce that promise is.

'Stop and Frisk' Is Basically a Black Guy Harassment Program

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/12 08:53AM

The NYPD's "stop and frisk" program has garnered criticism in the past, in part because it is essentially one big "Racism License: Hunt Anyone That Your Personal Prejudices Cause You to Deem as 'Suspicious' At Will" license for NYPD officers, who are not, as a group, known for their unerring sense of racial fairness. In other news, the numbers show the stop and frisk program is being used racist-ly.

Give a Cop a Taser, He Will Taser Everybody

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/11 10:20AM

A new report from the New York Civil Liberties Union says that police in New York are "consistently misusing and overusing Tasers." The study of hundreds of taserings found that the majority of them "did not meet expert-recommended criteria;" that 15% were "clearly inappropriate" cases, such as shocking someone who was already handcuffed; and that only 15% of Tasering victims were armed when the police zapped them.

NYCLU Takes Aim at NYPD

cityfile · 09/09/08 10:00AM

Back in July, the NYPD revealed that it planned to set up cameras across the city and track every single car that came into town. Based on London's "Ring of Steel" program, the NYPD plan calls for the installation of some 3,000 security cameras, mostly in lower Manhattan. As you might expect, the New York Civil Liberties Union isn't so jazzed about a plan that would allow the city to keep track of you every waking minute of the day. Yesterday the group filed suit against Ray Kelly and the NYPD over the department's refusal to share information about how it actually plans to carry out the program. The full suit after the jump.