
Is the Library Making Your Child a Sex Perv?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/11 08:12AM

So, you're a "good parent" who allows your child to "go to the library" to "learn," eh? Yeah, learn about sexxx. Why do you want your underage child viewing Hot Naked Sluts, in public?

America Is Back to Normal: Fistfight at Ground Zero

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/11 08:15AM

Sometimes it seems like our nation's been holding its breath for an entire decade. Since 9/11, New Yorkers have adopted a strange, heretofore unknown mood of somber respect when walking by Ground Zero, that tragic hole in the ground.

Mort Zuckerman vs. the Daily News: An Owner Adrift

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 03:40PM

Last July, New York Daily News editor Martin Dunn abruptly left the paper due to his wife's illness. Kevin Convey, who'd been working as editor of the Boston Herald, was named his replacement. But now, we hear, unsatisfied NYDN owner Mort Zuckerman may already be poking around for Convey's successor.

Fixing Tickets Is Just 'Courtesy,' Say Corrupt Cops

Hamilton Nolan · 04/20/11 11:57AM

Stern NYC schoolmarm-in-chief Mike Bloomberg is trying to crack down on the practice of NYPD officers making tickets disappear as a favor to friends. Clearly, this is an outrageous assault on the police. Why does Mike Bloomberg hate courtesy?

When Hotboxing the Subway Goes Horribly Wrong

Jeff Neumann · 04/20/11 04:18AM

Today in New York Post drug stories: 35-year-old "deranged stoner" Cordero Coroberto decided a morning rush hour 2 train was a good spot to spark a blunt (which, according to the Post is "a cigar refilled with tobacco and marijuana"). Apparently the other commuters didn't feel like showing up for work with a contact high, so that's when Evelyn Seeger stepped in:

New York Has Its Perfect Tabloid Murder of the Season

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/11 11:25AM

It's an awful thing to say about human nature, but plainly true: we're fascinated by crime, the more awful the better. And when those awful crimes happen to beautiful people, well, humanity can't get enough.

Psycho Slasher Killer Is New York's Most Insane PR Man

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/11 07:53AM

The tabloids of New York are currently having a tabloid party over the grisly murder of Sarah Coit, a pretty young blonde living in Manhattan who was savagely hacked to death Sunday by her boyfriend—a celebrity publicist.

New York City Just Goofed Off the Whole Past Decade

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/11 04:08PM

What was New York City up to from 2000-2010? Just the exact same old shit as ever, if you believe the U.S. Census. The calculator-wielding census nerds have tabulated all the latest numbers, and guess what? NYC barely grew a bit in the past ten years. A measly 167,000 new people. What a waste of time.

Liberal Pinko Welfare Handouts Work Well, Actually

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 11:48AM

Liberal gay and very likely socialist New York City is much like a petri dish in which liberals enact their anti-American policies unimpeded, as the rest of American looks on in horrified fascination. The city's latest far-left experiment: giving money directly to poor people so they can run out and buy Cadillacs and crack cocaine, courtesy of hardworking taxpayers. What do the cold, hard statistics say about the failings of this welfare society run amok?

Barefoot Contessa: The Time Ina Had Multiple Foodgasms

Matt Cherette · 03/19/11 06:27PM

Rejoice! The Barefoot Contessa recap is back! On today's brand new episode of Ina Garten's rich (in many ways), televised culinary compendium, East Hampton's HBIC sank her teeth into—and got some intense pleasure from—a cornucopia of good eats.