
The Daily Google Story

rabruzzo · 10/24/06 01:26PM

I'm beginning to suspect Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have data-mined some serious dirt on the NY Times editors. The Gray Lady deftly edited a PR release trumpeting a new Google feature, customized searching. Yahoo's Search Builder also creates customized searches, but Y! isn't acting like Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions.

The Morning After Pill: Not For Traditional Hangovers

pevans · 08/25/06 08:40AM

Well, it's the morning after, and boy do we feel pregnant. Luckily for us, our bellies are just engorged with drugs and alcohol, but that certainly doesn't mute our delight in reporting that the FDA, after three years of hand-wringing, finally approved over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill. Now all you cupcakes career women shouldn't start freely stuffing your middles with creamy white filling just yet, as your drugstore won't have it until the end of the year. But rest assured it appears there will be less hipsters, bloggers, and Michael No-hers for us to kick around in the future.

A Couple That Mutually Masturbates Together, Stays Together, Maybe

pevans · 08/24/06 12:50PM

We know all you swinging sophisticates out there like to hit the bars, guzzle down a handful of martinis, and think about pushing that sexual envelope with your significant other. But you're smart, you know it's a dangerous world out there, and you want to be safe. I mean for godsakes even Gwyneth is an African with AIDS. Well fear not my promiscuous playmates, today's New York Times Style section provides the solution: the m nage laptop. Unfortunately, once digging in we couldn't help but be confused by the mixed messages from the various quotable couples. For example, Ms. Choi, a computer interface designer says: