
The UN Finally Useful

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/09 04:10PM

"Worldwide, (cocaine) prices range from $2 a gram in Panama to over $300 in New Zealand, according to the UN's World Drug Report." The UN further reports that Mexico got that sticky-icky and that candyflipping in Bulgaria is fun. [Economist]

Your 2008 Cocaine Report

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/09 02:17PM

Cocaine production in Colombia was down 28% last year. Production was up in Peru and Bolivia—but only 430 metric tons of that classic Colombian powder. Probable culprit: all those canceled Wall Street Christmas parties.

Did 'Times' Price Surge Trigger Circ Drop?

Maggie · 10/26/07 02:05PM

In the just-ended third quarter, the New York Times Company claimed a 22% decrease in newsprint costs. At the same time, they claimed that operating costs are down only 1.5%. We think that's fishy! Here's why. Newsprint and payroll are typically two of the biggest expenditures at a newspaper. The company is claiming an 8% savings based on "reduction in consumption." Cutting its page size might play a part in that, but isn't entirely responsible. We suspect circulation took a hit somewhere.