
NSA Spooks Won't Rule Out Secretly Tracking Your Phone

Adrian Chen · 07/26/11 01:09PM

With all that fun British phone hacking news, you may have missed some exciting phone surveillance news here in the States. The NSA's lawyer says the U.S. government might have the authority to physically track Americans with their cell phones.

NSA Cartoons Encourage Kids to Spy on Their Families

Ryan Tate · 10/19/10 05:06PM

You know what's kewl, kids? The National Security Agency sure does: it's making codes, cracking codes, hanging out in Qatar, and monitoring the online activities of your loved ones constantly. The NSA's totally boss cartoons will school you.

Shocker: Illegal Government Spying Is Illegal

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/10 08:30AM

A federal judge ruled yesterday that the N.S.A.'s covert wiretap program targeting who knows how many US citizens without court approval was (and is!) illegal. Of fucking course it is, come on. But...but...but what if Obama does it?

Microsoft Let NSA Spooks 'Enhance' Windows 7

Ryan Tate · 11/20/09 12:47PM

A National Security Agency director just bragged to a Senate subcommittee about his agency's close "cooperation" with Microsoft to, err, "enhance" how Windows 7 guards a user's privacy. Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

Jane Harman's Media Tour Gets Off to a Bad Start

John Cook · 04/21/09 05:43PM

Congresswoman Jane Harman took to the airwaves to defend herself against the charge that she conspired with a "suspected Israeli operative" to quash an espionage prosecution against former AIPAC employees. It didn't go so well.

Congresswoman Waddles Into Israeli Spy Storm

John Cook · 04/20/09 09:57AM

How many hot-buttons does the news that the NSA wiretapped Congresswoman Jane Harman involve? Let's count: 1) public corruption, 2) "Israel Lobby" espionage, 3) intelligence agencies spying on lawmakers and 4) Bush's hyper-politicization of everything.

National Security Agency spends $2 million on Google

Nicholas Carlson · 09/30/08 02:20PM

Why did the citizen-spying National Security Agency pay Google $2 million? According to a contractobtained through the Freedom of Information Act and parsed by Blogoscoped, the NSA purchased "four Google search appliances, two-years replacement warranty on all of them, and 100 hours of consulting support." I know, kind of a letdown. But we sincerely hope that won't stop the conspiracy theorists from creating another paranoia-fueled video like the classic we've embedded below.

NSA site goes down in blaze of badly-engineered DNS glory

Jackson West · 05/16/08 03:40PM

The website of the National Security Agency went down yesterday. No, it wasn't subject to "cyber terrorism," just bad network management — specifically, its domain-name servers, according to Arbor Networks' Danny McPherson. But don't worry, everyone, the site is back up! Still, the fact that it sports a Flash interface doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the engineering ability of our information overlords. (Photo by Ryan Lackey)

Questions that no one asked at Supernova

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 03:39PM

There's an ulterior motive to opening an official backchannel at a tech conference. It pulls all the dissenters into a virtual room, where they disseminate their snide remarks safely away from the real discussion.