
Thou Shalt Kill

Tom Scocca · 06/16/16 09:20AM

On Monday, a representative of the National Rifle Association officially blamed “political correctness” for the massacre in Orlando this past weekend. This line of argument—that that the killings were a result of our inability to speak frankly about the dangers this country faces—gathered momentum while the dead bodies still lay in the Pulse nightclub.

Former GOP Congressman Who Triggered 20-Year Ban on Gun Control Research Has Some Regrets

Chris Thompson · 12/02/15 08:22PM

The too-little-too-late redemption tour of one Jay Dickey continued today—of all days—on Capitol Hill, with a letter released by the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. This will be a handy reminder that regret—truly a weighty motherfucker for the sufferer—has a realtime value of roughly jack-shit in the world outside your tormented soul.

NRA Goes After a Female Gun Control Advocate as Only the NRA Can

Adam Weinstein · 08/25/14 03:10PM

Shannon Watts, the head of the pro-gun-regulation group Moms Demand Action, is a mom. The National Rifle Association hates Watts. So it wrote a blistering profile of her. And dressed her up as a cutout mom with kitchen and housekeeping accoutrements, because moms oughta know their place!

The NRA Tried to Get Rid of This Video Advocating Guns for the Blind

Adam Weinstein · 08/07/14 03:31PM

"Do you think you need to see where you're shooting if someone's on top of you, trying to kill or rape you, while their hands are slowly squeezing your neck and they're yelling 'I'm gonna kill you'? I didn't think so." This is the NRA commentator's argument for arming the blind that the NRA just removed from its website.

The NRA's Top Attorney Was Convicted of Murder in 1964

Adam Weinstein · 07/29/14 09:11AM

According to recently unearthed court records, Bob Dowlut—who for 30 years has been the architect of the National Rifle Association's legal and cultural agenda—was sentenced to life in an Indiana prison for murdering a single mother with the same gun he'd allegedly used that day to rob and shoot a shopkeeper.

Good Guys Celebrate New Georgia Gun Law By Almost Shooting Each Other

Adam Weinstein · 07/02/14 09:57AM

Two legally armed Georgia men made good use of the state's open-carry law on its first day of implementation by starting a gun-rights pissing match in a convenience store, challenging each other's authority, and occasioning a drawdown and an arrest.

Zany NRA Video Attacks Media For Labeling Shootings as "Shootings"

Adam Weinstein · 06/04/14 12:22PM

Used to be when a bunch of people got murdered with a gun, it was called a "murder." But now it's a "shooting," because the leftist media lies, except it's not a lie, but whatever. The point, according to this awesome he-hulk in an NRA propaganda video is: Don't watch the news!

Texas Gun Nuts Are So Crazy Even The NRA's Gun Nuts Hate Them

Adam Weinstein · 06/02/14 03:45PM

The toughest thing about being a paranoid armed misogynist bully with a smug sense of self-satisfaction is, it's hard to make friends. Even the gun lobby now hates the heroes of Texas Open Carry, having realized that it's hurting the cause of universal free gun love with its guns.