
Brendan O'Connor · 05/03/15 01:35PM

“I’m changing my album name to SWISH,” Kanye tweeted. “I might change it again but that’s the name now.” Just so you know!

Eat With James Lipton!

Joshua Stein · 12/26/07 02:01PM

In case you're wondering, the world's most pretentious sycophant king, "Inside the Actor's Studio" host James Lipton, will be having dinner at Alison Restaurant in Bridgehampton at 7 p.m. this Friday. $37 for 3 courses—which seems like a deal until you realize you'll have to eat those courses next to James Lipton, which means no amount of foie gras can undo the permanent psychic damage of his proximity.

Susanna Sonnenberg's Mom Sounds Cool, Scary

Joshua Stein · 12/21/07 11:20AM

Susanna Sonnenberg is not only the daughter of Ben Sonnenberg, the editor of the now defunct literary journal Grand Street but also the granddaughter of Ben Sonnenberg, a poor boy from Russia who came to New York and hit it big in the PR business. She follows her family's tradition of writing memoirs that revel in the craziness that was life in the House of the Sonnenbergs. Her father published Lost Property: Memoirs & Confessions of a Bad Boy in 1991. Now Baby Sonnenberg published her own Glory Of it Allian memoir, Her Last Death, about her mother. She says she changed names "to emphasize that this story could only be mine" which doesn't make any sense.

Know Your Spotted Pig Investors

Joshua Stein · 11/21/07 02:00PM

There are eight investors in the perpetually blooming West Village celebrity hotspot The Spotted Pig. We bet you'd like to know who they are. This unfortunately-headlined Observer piece and a little research did the trick: