
Dying Man Writes 800 Inspirational Notes for Young Daughter's Lunch

Taylor Berman · 01/27/14 02:35PM

Since his daughter, Emma, was in second grade, Garth Callaghan has written inspirational notes on the napkins he packs with her lunch each day. He's promised her she'll get one every day until she graduates high school. Callaghan will keep that promise, even though doctors—who have diagnosed him with cancer three times in two years—give him just an eight percent chance of living another five years.

TSA Punishes 'Get Your Freak On' Screener

Adrian Chen · 10/26/11 04:56PM

Well, the TSA has found and punished the guy (it's got to be a guy, right?) who left that hilariously inappropriate note in a blogger's luggage. The TSA always gets its man!

TSA Agent Leaves Nice Note in Passenger's Luggage

Lauri Apple · 10/24/11 08:52AM

In an email titled "Hilarious/Horrifying?," a tipster sent along this picture of a TSA luggage inspection notice that came with a sexxxtra-special bonus message: GET YOUR FREAK ON GIRL. "This happened to my friend on a flight on Saturday," the tipster writes. "Apparently TSA found a 'personal item' in her bag." Hmmm, so I guess free sex coaching services are part of TSA's mission now? Nice to know they're concerned about our well-being on all fronts.

Robber Returns Wallet With Apology Note

Max Read · 08/04/11 08:50PM

What is New Hampshire like? Not many people know! This is what it's like: If a thief steals your wallet, he will return it, with more money inside, along with an apology note signed "Stupid."